By giving your place a description that represents an official address in accordance with international standards.
Register NowA short address that is easy to memorize, consists of 4 letters and 4 numbers that will make your life simpler
with exceptional features
Covers every area of Saudi Arabia with the accuracy of 1 square meters
Allows you to obtain 10 world wide addresses through Alami
Utilizing the address accelerates shipments delivery to you without the need of making further calls
Get your government documents, Commercial and personal shipments with ease and without the trouble of picking it up in person
(4 distinctive numbers representing a building)
(Represents the location of the main entrance of the building)
(4 numbers representing the accurate location coordinates; beneficial when there's no street or district names)
(Represents the district where the building is located in)
(5 numbers, each digit has a significant location; postal code network covers 100% of Saudi Arabia)
(The city where National Address is located in)
National Address is a precise addressing system that qualifies you to obtain a higher level of government and commercial services. Therefore, it is a responsibility toward every individual and entity to register for a National Address and oblige to provide accurate data to avoid being held accountable.